Gemstones form in nature and can contain traces of gas, liquid, or internal fractures. Untreated natural gemstones generally exhibit more inclusions than their treated counterparts, which can affect both their color and clarity. However, inclusions should not be automatically considered a negative attribute in untreated gemstones, as they can serve as a clear indicator that a stone has never been treated. They can also provide clues about a gemstone's origin or history, which can make it more valuable to collectors.The ideal untreated stone would possess minimal visible inclusions while still being easily identifiable as natural and untreated.
Different types of gems have varying levels of inclusions, with opaque or translucent gems having different clarity standards than transparent ones.
Gemstone clarity has two types: inclusions (internal impurities like minerals and fractures) and blemishes (surface imperfections from cutting or handling). The number, size, type, and color of inclusions and blemishes determine a gem's clarity grade, with some stones having no visible inclusions while others have many.
It is important to note that many rubies and sapphires are subjected to high-temperature heating processes to enhance their appearance, and the term "natural" does not necessarily mean that a gemstone has not been treated. To be considered untreated, a gemstone must be natural and not have undergone any chemical or heat treatments. The rarity and value of untreated gemstones, particularly rubies and sapphires, is on the rise, as more people become aware of the true value of these natural, untreated stones.
Colored gemstones are classified by GIA as Type 1, Type 2, or Type 3, with each type having its own characteristics and levels of inclusions.
Burma Jars mainly sells natural untreated Type 2 gems, like rubies,sapphires,spinels and uses the following internal clarity scale to grade our gemstones.
Burma Jars's Clarity Scale

GIA's Original Clarity Scale

It should be noted that various laboratories adopt different standards and guidelines for obtaining and conveying their results. As a result, the same sample may receive distinct color designations from two separate labs. This lack of consistency, coupled with the absence of universally recognized reporting protocols, remains an unresolved issue that contributes to discrepancies between laboratories.
